Featured Product of the Month: Carrier Indoor Heat Pump | Columbia Heating and Cooling Portland, Oregon
Written by Columbia HVAC

Featured Product of the Month: Carrier Indoor Heat Pump

As the cold weather begins to permeate the Northwest, we can’t think of a better product to feature than the Carrier Indoor Heat Pump. Carrier is one of the world’s top manufacturers of heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration solutions. Columbia Heating & Cooling is proud to offer innovative, high-efficiency Carrier products to our customers.

Carrier Indoor Heat Pumps are versatile devices that will be an asset to your home during any month of the year. Heat pumps look and function in the same manner as many air conditioning units, but are able to perform both heating and cooling functions.

Heat pumps work by transferring energy from a cold space to a warm space, or from a warm space to a cool space – whichever is needed. Heat pumps can be used with oil- and gas-fueled furnaces for maximum cold weather comfort. This system of energy transfer makes for a reliable, energy-efficient way to keep your home comfortable year-round.

This method of heating and cooling can help save on energy costs because it requires less electricity and is typically less expensive to run than a gas boiler. Lifetime energy savings can be substantial.

The Carrier Indoor Heat Pump is an air-source heat pump which is comprised of both indoor and outdoor units and works to transfer energy between the two. Columbia Heating & Cooling also offers ductless (mini-split heat pumps) and geothermal options.

Want to learn more about heat pump technology and how it can help you save on your next energy bill? Give us a call to hear more about the Carrier Indoor Heat Pump and why it may be a great solution for your heating and cooling needs.